User guide

The dataset and the results of the search are best viewed with the web app through a standard browers.

to start the app, please go in the web folder and run the app server:


then access the app in a browser with the follwoing url:


or from another machine with the ip address of the machine where the server is running:

(in this example, we suppose the address of the server is


The home page shows the list of datasets:

home page

list of datasets in autoMLk

You can select a list of datasets from a specific domain, with the selector at the top right:


list of datasets per domain


To import the list of preloaded datasets (or your own list), you can select the option ‘Import’ in the menu ‘New’:

import datasets

import a list of datasets

You may create directly a dataset by using the ‘Dataset’ option in the menu ‘New’:

create dataset

create a new dataset

You may afterwards update some fields of a dataset by using the edit icon in the list of datasets in the home page:

update dataset

update a dataset

We can access to a specific dataset in clicking on the row of the required dataset. When a dataset is created, there is only the features and analysis of the data available:


parameters of the dataset

By clicking on the various tabs, we can view:


the list of features of the dataset

histogram of the target column

the histogram of the target column

correlation matrix of the features

the correlation matrix of the features

We need to launch the search process with various models in order to access to be results

Results and best models

When the search is launched, 3 additional tabs are available:

models with the best scores

Best models by eval score

And per pre-processing steps:

pre-processing steps with the best scores

pre-processing steps by eval score

The graph of the best results over time:

search history

The evolution of the best scores in time

And after a while, the best ensembles:


The best ensembles

And then by clicking on a specific model access to the details

details of the search by model

details of the search by model

And then on a specific round:

details of a round

a round with a se of model parameters and pre-processing

pre-processing steps

details of the re-processing steps

Where we can view the performance and the predictions:

feature importance

feature importance scored by the model

predictions versus actuals

predictions versus actuals (in regression)

confusion matrix

and a confusion matrix (in classification)

histogram of the predictions

and the histogram of the predictions



The monitoring screen displays the different status of the different components in the architecture: controller and workers


monitoring panel


admin console

configuration panel

It is also possible to modify the theme of the user interface directly from the config panel:

admin console

configuration panel